The world's first birth prediction device

Prediction Pro is a groundbreaking innovation that aims to transform the field of obstetrics by accurately predicting the due date of pregnancies and helping to prevent potential complications.

Accurate Due Date Prediction
Prediction Pro employs advanced algorithms to calculate the most likely date of delivery, empowering expectant mothers to plan and prepare for the arrival of their newborns with greater precision and peace of mind.
Complication Risk Assessment
By analyzing a wide range of relevant factors, BirthPredict Pro assesses the potential risks associated with a pregnancy, allowing healthcare professionals to identify high-risk cases early on and implement appropriate measures to mitigate complications.
Continuous Monitoring and Updates
Throughout the course of pregnancy, Prediction Pro continuously monitors and updates predictions based on new data, providing real-time information to healthcare providers and expectant mothers to adapt their plans and interventions as necessary.

Gone are the days of uncertainties

With Prediction Pro, gone are the days of uncertain due dates and unexpected complications. Leveraging a vast database of comprehensive pregnancy records, this state-of-the-art system analyzes a range of factors, including maternal health indicators, fetal development markers, and historical data, to generate highly accurate predictions for the delivery date.
Plan and Prepare
The accurate prediction ot the due date enables mothers to plan and prepare for the arrival of their baby more effectively.
Make arrangements
It allows them to make arrangements for childcare, maternity leave from work, and organize their support network well in advance.
Peace of mind
By knowing the estimated delivery date with greater accuracy, mothers can mentally and emotionally prepare themselves for labor and childbirth. This can contribute to a more positive birth experience.

Complication Risk Assessment

The Complication Risk Assessment feature of Prediction Pro is particularly adept at detecting the risk of premature birth and assessing lung maturity. Here are the specific benefits associated with these aspects.
Early Detection of Premature Birth Risk
With the knowledge of the potential risk of premature birth, healthcare professionals can devise strategies and interventions to prevent or delay the onset of labor. This may involve administering medication, recommending bed rest, or implementing other interventions aimed at prolonging pregnancy and reducing the chances of complications associated with premature birth.
Lung Maturity Assessment
Prediction Pro also assesses the maturity of the fetal lungs, a critical factor in determining the readiness of the baby for birth. The accurate due date prediction is valuable in guiding decisions around the method of delivery, particularly in cases where the risk of complications due to lung immaturity needs to be carefully managed.

available for licensing

Internationally protected by patent

Prediction Pro is internationally protected by patent, ensuring its unique features, algorithms, and methodologies are safeguarded. This patent protection demonstrates the novelty and inventiveness of the technology, providing a competitive advantage in the market.

Furthermore, the Prediction Pro is available for licensing to interested parties. The Predicition Pro can be utilized in three different ways: as a standalone product, integrated into a wearable device like the Ava wristband, or as a wearable platform on devices such as the Apple Watch. Here's an overview of each possibility:

Standalone Product
The standalone version of Prediction Pro functions similarly to popular fertility or pregnancy test kits, providing expectant mothers with a user-friendly and accessible solution. Just like these test kits, the standalone product allows users to directly interact with the system without the need for additional hardware.
Wearable Device
Prediction Pro can be produced as wearable devices (e.g. Ava wristband). ThePrediction Pro wearable is designed for contionously tracking relevant markers. Expectant mothers can conveniently access due date predictions and receive real-time updates on the progression of their pregnancy. All collected datapoint can be analyzed by Prediction Pro technology to enhance the accuracy of its predictions and risk assessments.
Apple Watch
Prediction Pro combines the sensors of the Apple Watch with cloud-based AI technology, eliminating the need for additional devices. This integration allows expectant mothers to track their health parameters and receive highly accurate predictions and risk assessments directly from their Apple Watch, providing a streamlined and user-friendly experience.

Revolutionizing Pregnancy Care with Accurate Predictions and Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Prediction Pro is a groundbreaking innovation that aims to transform the field of obstetrics by accurately predicting the due date of pregnancies and helping to prevent potential complications. This cutting-edge technology harnesses the power of advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide expectant mothers and healthcare professionals with invaluable insights into the progression of pregnancy.

Cloud-based AI technology can be intergrated to other Platforms like the Apple Watch to provide expectant mothers with accurate due date predictions and comprehensive risk assessments, eliminating the need for additional devices.

This streamlined and user-friendly approach revolutionizes pregnancy care, empowering mothers to track their health parameters, make informed decisions, and ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby.

Prediction Pro is a groundbreaking innovation that aims to transform the field of obstetrics by accurately predicting the due date of pregnancies and helping to prevent potential complications.